performance marketing agency in india
June 27, 2024 No Comments

Every business needs a performance marketing agency at some point of time to expand their business to the next level. 

Whether you are an established offline business or an e-commerce business looking to take your brand to the next level. At some point, you will need to take the help of an agency to scale your business and improve your numbers. The agency you decide to work with will determine the fate of your business. You can either take your business to new heights or take it down to a costly path. 

What is a performance marketing agency?

Performance marketing agencies in India have become popular in the last decade because they have been known to bring results and build brand awareness. A performance marketing agency will ask you to pay you per action and it can be anything from a click to view. 

These agencies have the analytical and creative expertise to create campaigns that bring in monetary results for businesses. They also employ analytical tools to monitor the results of their campaigns. Some of the performance marketing channels are native advertising, SEM, display advertising, SMM, affiliate marketing, and paid amazon ads. 

Performance marketing agencies in India aim to help businesses reach their marketing goals and improve the conversion rates. Targeting the right audience and employing data driven techniques, performance marketing agencies are valuable for businesses that seek to maximize their financial growth and meet revenue targets. 

They play a crucial role in developing an effective online marketing strategy and enhancing overall digital marketing efforts. With their proficiency in targeting the right audience and applying data-driven techniques, performance marketing agencies are invaluable for businesses that seek to maximize their revenue and increase profitability.  

performance marketing agency

Why do businesses work with a performance marketing agency?

Performance marketing is a critical aspect of marketing that can lead your business to the heights of success. Businesses work with performance marketing agencies because they lead to quick results. The entire stratergy of a performance marketing agency helps you reach customers, build a brand image, and increase revenue. 

The problem is that most business owners have to wear many hats from operations executive to sales person. They have little to no time thinking about the legacy that they are building and that is why it is important for businesses to hire a digital marketing agency in India. Without up-to-date knowledge of best practices and algorithm updates, it’s hard to know what to do next. That’s why your brand should consider hiring performance marketing agencies in India. 

If you are too busy in building your startup, you should consider working with IAM Group of Companies. We will create a pathway for your customers from the internet towards your business. Since most business owners are usually busy, we give them the marketing services they need to establish their presence in the market. 

Many performance marketing agencies in India promise the world, but they fail to deliver on those promises. Check out these 8 things that you should consider while hiring a performance marketing agency. 

8 Factors to Keep in Mind While Choosing a Performance Marketing Agency

Before you start working with an agency, you need to keep certain things clear. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are thinking about hiring a performance marketing agency. 

1. What are your business goals?

Before you look for performance marketing agencies in India, you need to define your marketing objectives and the money that you are willing to spend to achieve them. 

Whether you want to increase your website traffic, generate leads, or improve conversion rates, having clear goals in mind will help you achieve the results. 

performance marketing agency

2. Transparency

One of the most important things to consider while hiring an agency is the way that they bill you. If the agency you are thinking of hiring shares the information about their past campaigns, then they are a good option. A reputable agency should gladly share data that shows the effectiveness of their strategy and campaigns. Good agencies are transparent about their past performance, ROI, and ROAS. 

3. Effective Communication

Remember that you are choosing to work with an agency for a reason. You should work with an agency that you don’t have to micromanage. Having an agency that you can openly communicate with at any time will keep your mind at ease. You should build a good rapport with the account managers of the agency and check the information on their website. 

The availability of their team is something that should be clear to you from the beginning. If you are free on the weekends, then you should hire a team that is available on the weekends. Effective communication is essential for working with an agency. If you cannot communicate your needs, then you will not be able to scale your brand with the agency of your choice. 

4. Knowledge in Your Niche

The safe choice is to choose an agency that has experience in providing services to businesses in your niche. Such agencies have been serving your competitors and they know effective marketing communication for your industry. For example, if your business is in the tech sector and you find an agency that specializes in marketing for tech companies, then that is a safe choice.

5. Case Studies and Testimonials

Testimonials provide valuable information about the agency’s performance, reliability, and customer service. Client feedback can provide valuable insights into the agency’s performance, reliability, and customer service. If the testimonials are from reputed companies, it’ll give you confidence in the agency’s reliability and quality of work. 

Most digital marketing agencies have client testimonials and case studies listed on their websites. By reading case studies, you can understand the approach that the marketing company likes to take and if it is something that you would appreciate. 

One of the best case studies is how the agency is doing themselves. If a performance marketing agency is not ranking on Google themselves, then how can you expect them to perform for you? 

As you can see, IAM Group of Companies is ranking for different high value keywords in the digital marketing industry. This is a testimonial in itself that we know what we are talking about. 

performance marketing agency
performance marketing agency

6. Cost & Budget

Before you start working with a digital marketing agency, you need to understand your advertising budget. The money that needs to be spent on advertising depends on the type of business you run. A D2C brand will need to spend more on performance marketing compared to a local bakery that wants more customers to visit their shop. 

7. Data-Driven Services

Effective performance marketing campaigns require advanced tools, technologies, and skilled professionals. One of the reasons why it is difficult to find a good performance marketing agency in India is because most agencies hire freshers to do the critical work. A skilled marketer understands the need for data in this field. When you are looking for a performance marketing company, you should ask them how they measure progress in real-time. Reputable performance marketing agencies in India offer analytical reports to keep their clients updated about the progress. 

Successful agencies track data in real time and optimize campaigns on the go. Experienced professionals use data to make decisions. Agencies with skilled professionals also keep you in the loop by sharing a conversion tracking code with you. With the help of this code, you will be able to see how a viewer interacts with your ads. Whether they purchased a product, signed up for your newsletter, called your business, or downloaded your app. This way your customers are able to understand how their ad is performing and whether it is achieving its original goals. 

8. The Dream Team

It is important for you to understand the team dynamic of your performance marketing partner. After all, you will be working with the team. How skilled is the team when it comes to Google ads? Do the team members have Google ads & Facebook ads certification? 

Are they part of any marketing associations like the Direct Marketing Association? If you have some principles that you want to follow with your campaign, then it is your responsibility to find agencies that are a part of a marketing association. 

Have they won any industry awards for their campaigns? Working with agencies that have won awards like ETBrandEquityAwards gives clients confidence. Although winning awards is an accomplishment it doesn’t define how successful an agency will be in scaling your brand. 

In short, you need to sit with the team and then figure out if you are comfortable working with them. 

Frequently Asked Questions  

Q1 What does a performance marketing company do? 

A performance marketing company is an agency that devices paid strategies to drive a result like clicks, leads, or sales. The client has to pay for each action and the focus is on short term results that benefit the client. 

Q2 How to choose the right performance marketing agency?

While the method of picking the right agency can differ. You should only pick an agency that has a defined set of performance metrics, clear set of KPIs, and customer testimonials. If an agency also has case studies with data then that is an added green flag. 

Q3 Is performance marketing worth it in 2024? 

Brand marketing is often pitted against performance marketing. However, the truth is that these two work together to build a brand. While brand marketing slowly works to create a sustainable brand. Performance campaigns work in the short term to get results that a company needs. That is why performance marketing is worth it in 2024!

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